Western Industrial Motor and Machine, INC


On-Site Services

We offer many On-site Services to fit your needs. From preventative maintenance services to team training, we can assist with dialing in your maintenance Programs. Protect & Trend your asset performance with our vibration analysis program. Using the latest Acoem equipment & Software featuring A.I. Technology, We can trend & discover small issues before they become Large issues.

Services Offered:

  • Vibration analysis & trending
  • Laser Shaft alignments
  • On-site balancing
  • Installations/Start ups
  • Staff training/Presentations
  • Mechanical assistance

Laser Shaft Alignment

Using a real-time SKF laser shaft alignment tool, we can dial in your driven equipment to proper run specs. Prevent bearing failures, coupler wear, excessive vibration, and other mechanical damage by getting proper alignment for your equipment’s running speed.

Field Service

Multiple services offered at your location. Testing, diagnostics, installation, maintenance practices, retrofitting, and much more.
We can perform no load test runs, vibration analysis, RPM verification, and connection verification in the shop, aside from the regular Megohm, Surge, and Hi-Pot testing typically done on electric motors. We also offer on-site testing and troubleshooting. There are plenty of scenarios where checking a few things before removing a critical motor from service paid off. Full motor diagnostics help rule other components out quickly.
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